Sunday, May 07,2000
How do I get started?
by:Pastor Freddie Rodriguez
All through life there are things, groups and even activities that attract our attention. Sometimes the impression that these things have makes us want to get Involved. As a present-day baby boomer, I remember wanting to be a football Player or one of the Beatles. I felt this way simply because I wanted to be like "Joe Namath" or "Paul McCartney. They were both cool to me. So, I played high school Football and learned how to play the guitar. As you can well guess, the Beatles broke Up before I got there, and the National Football League had no need for my limited Talents. I did not make the big time, but I had fun trying and dreaming. It's okay to dream. How do I get started? This is the question that most seekers eventually wind up asking, especially when the thing that has peeked their interest is heaven> In the Gospel of John, there was a man named Nicodemus. He was an older man, past the age of 65,who studied and became a part of organized religion. If you take the time to research Nicodemus' life, you will find that this gentleman did all the right things that one would think would qualify him for immediate acceptance into Heaven. One night, he came across Jesus and for some reason, he decided to tell Jesus," Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God, for no one can do the miraculous signs you are doing if God was not with him." Jesus replied that "no one can see the kingdom of God without being, born again". Nicodemus's response was a question. How do I get started? If you read John chapter 3, you will find that what Nicodemus actually said was," How can a man be born again when he is old? Nicodemus, with his age, religion and all his good practices in the community, still was not sure about Heaven. This is why he asked Jesus what he did. He was a seeker of Heaven. Heaven was a place where he wanted to go. Are you a seeker? Have you become interested in Heaven? Do you sometimes find yourself asking what happens after death? Do you want to go to Heaven? How do you get started? I have great news for you; Jesus came, lived and eventually died for your sins. But He not only died for your sins, He rose from the dead. In the book of Romans it says," That if, you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."(Romans 10:9) I know, you thought you had to join a church and be trained to be a Christian, but that's not true. You can ask Jesus into your heart right there at home, in the park or even at work, and Jesus will save you. The church comes into play later on for teaching and Fellowship. Want to get started?
Pastor Freddie Rodriguez