by: Terry S. Krepps
4 - 10 - 02
Inside, thoughts release uplifting happiness
Acquired from a distance, forever etched by respect
As hope freely battled from within
Muted time stood lingerly holding on to fear
Eyes contemplating pasts controlling threshold
Valiantly advancing, trying to release its grip
Self forgiveness struggles with faiths own strength
As Godly words penetrate the soul
Battle lingers, while peace awaits its entrance
Knowing ones conclusion rests in the outcome
Giving place to the conqueror but fearing defeat itself
For by what measure do I cast my deliverance
Forgiveness must rule for faith to dominate
Giving up what cannot be won on your own
Relying on God to separate confusing debris
While He brushes on the final coat of assurance
Bowing in surrender, humility takes its place
Strength finds growth through release
Quickening the sight through faithful eyes
Allowing righteousness to direct your future
Hold on, remembering always to let go and let God
Following the narrow path to eternity
For your steps will surely be covered
Knowing that His presence will forever be at your side