
Hello there and greetings to you from
"Vocal Locals" and "FWO"

Now,after that long....introduction,after the............LONG AWAITED ......... debut,Free Will Offering's own personal avenue and tribute to our own, "Local Bands" FINALLY HERE!!! This interviewing will allow them to
share with you what's up in their ministry and where their band is headed in the near future! Sound exciting? Well,we hope you'll enjoy them and send in requests for "Local Bands" in your area to be interviewed!!

For our first on-line interview,FWO and Vocal Locals,go out on the road to the Tri-county Church of God in Salem,Ohio and find the Salem based band by the name of,"FISH". This band is filled with the heart of God and the desire to share of His heart through their God given talents.For our first
and their first.....please welcome.... "FISH"!!!!!

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Last Updated:February 8, 2002 12:41 AM